Why are unaccompanied cello studies boring?

(coming soon – they are not all boring. List a few studies that are both melodic and full-range)

Why aren’t there more unaccompanied cello music?

(coming soon – list some well-known music including but more importantly outside of Bach cello suites. Every once in a while someone asks on r/cello and get responses. There is a longish list of candidates from this Internet Cello Society forum thread.)

Where do I find unaccompanied cello music?

(coming soon – ah, right here of course)

Why are unaccompanied cello music so hard to play?

(coming soon)

Why is the project called Bach Wrote What?!

It’s just a short moniker for out motto “unaccompanied & modern cello music for the rest of us”. Bach’s suites are the undisputed archetype of unaccompanied cello music. So we appropriated his name for this project. We apologize to fans of other types of musical work by Bach. With that said, you could have bought this domain… but you didn’t.

Are unaccompanied cello music free?

(coming soon – yes. This collection will attempt to feature free unaccompanied cello music, or those with expired copyright. Cite Creative Commons licenses, with PDF for people to download for personal uses. But great paid music should be featured as well – composers and musicians have got earn a living, too.)

How do I write unaccompanied cello music?

(coming soon – rearrange a modern, popular song. Or compose a new one)

How do I contribute to unaccompanied cello music?

(coming soon – note licensing constraints)


What does CC BY-SA mean for work of music?

Summarize from:


Why does the site footer cite CC BY-SA?

(to be written)

How do I get my video on @BachWroteWhat

(coming soon – how do I get my video featured on www.youtube.com/@BachWroteWhat)